Conference Papers (Peer Reviewed Full Papers)
* indicates co-first authors |
[C65] K. Vyas, A. Samadani, M. Milosevic, S. Ostadabbas, and S. Parvaneh, “Additional Value of Augmenting Current Subscales in Braden Scale with Advanced Machine Learning Technique for Pressure Injury Risk Assessment”, International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2020 (BIBM2020), South Korea- Seoul, October 2020. |
[C64] S. Parvaneh* and Y. Chang*, “Shapelet Discovery for Atrial Fibrillation Detection”, 47th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Italy-Rimini, September 2020. |
[C63] M. Mashhadimalek, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, S. Gharibzadeh, and S. Parvaneh, “The Effects of Reading and Listening to the Heavenly Books on Heart Rate Variability”, 46th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Singapore, September 2019. |
[C62] S. Parvaneh, S. Moharreri, S. Rezaei, and N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, “Nonlinear Causal Cardiorespiratory Interaction in Response to Color Stimuli”, 46th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Singapore, September 2019. |
[C61] Y. Chang, J. Rubin, G. Boverman, S. Vij, A. Rahman, A. Natarajan, and S. Parvaneh, “A Multi-Task Imputation and Classification Neural Architecture for Early Prediction of Sepsis from Multivariate Clinical Time Series”, 46th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Singapore, September 2019. |
[C60] B. Khodabakhshian, S. Moharreri, and S. Parvaneh, “Evaluating the Effects of Traditional Persian Music on Nonlinear Parameters of HRV”, 46th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Singapore, September 2019. |
[C59] S. Moharreri, S. Rezaei, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, and S. Parvaneh, “Automatic Emotions Assessment Using Heart Rate Variability Analysis and 2D Regression Model of Emotions”, 46th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Singapore, September 2019. |
[C58] Julie Vaughn, M. Milosevic, and S. Parvaneh, “Monitoring of Patient Blanket Coverage using 3D Camera Data”, 41st Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Germany-Berlin, July 2019. |
[C57] S. Parvaneh and J. Rubin, “Electrocardiogram Monitoring and Interpretation: From Traditional Machine Learning to Deep Learning, and Their Combination”, 45th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Netherlands-Maastricht, September 2018. |
[C56] S. Parvaneh, J. Rubin, A. Samadani, and G. Katuwal, “Automatic Detection of Arousals during Sleep using Multiple Physiological Signals”, 45th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Netherlands-Maastricht, September 2018. |
[C55] S. Rezaei, S. Moharreri, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, and S. Parvaneh, “Age and Changes in Extracted Features of Lagged Poincare Plot”, 45th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Netherlands-Maastricht, September 2018. |
[C54] M. Milosevic, D. Schulman, and S. Parvaneh, “Utilizing Existing Utility Meters for Unobtrusive Monitoring and Detection of Potential Hazardous Situations in Home”, 40th Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, USA-Honolulu, July 2018. |
[C53] J. Rubin*, S. Parvaneh*, A. Rahman, B. Conroy, and S. Babaeizadeh, “Densely Connected Convolutional Networks and Signal Quality Analysis to Detect Atrial Fibrillation Using Short Single-Lead ECG Recordings”, 44th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, France-Rennes, September 2017. |
[C52] S. Parvaneh, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, S. Rezaei, S. Moharreri, and N. Toosizadeh, “Heart Rate Asymmetry in Response to Colored Light”, 44th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, France-Rennes, September 2017. |
[C51] S. Parvaneh, A. Abdolahi, M. Arafati, and F. Naderi, “Influence of Snack Intake on Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes”, 44th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, France-Rennes, September 2017. |
[C50] S. Rezaei, S. Moharreri, S. Ghiasi, and S. Parvaneh, “Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea by Evaluating Points Distribution in Poincare Plot of RR Intervals”, 44th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, France-Rennes, September 2017. |
[C49] S. Rezaei, S. Moharreri, M. Abdollahpur, and S. Parvaneh, “Heart Arrhythmia Classification using Extracted Features in Poincare Plot of RR Intervals”, 44th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, France-Rennes, September 2017. |
[C48] S. Rezaei, S. Moharreri, S. Ghiasi, and S. Parvaneh, “Emotion Recognition using Parabolic Phase Space Mapping for Heart Rate Variability Analysis”, 44th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, France-Rennes, September 2017. |
[C47] S. Moharreri, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, S. Rezaei, and S. Parvaneh, “New Feature Set for Better Representation of Dynamic of RR Intervals in Poincare Plot”, 44th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, France-Rennes, September 2017. |
[C46] C. Potes, S. Parvaneh, A. Rahman, and B. Conroy, “Ensemble of Feature-based and Deep learning-based Classifiers for Detection of Abnormal Heart Sounds”, 43rd Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Canada-Vancouver, September 2016. |
[C45]S. Parvaneh, B. Najafi, N. Toosizadeh, I.B. Riaz, and J. Mohler, “Prevalence of Ventricular Ectopy in Older Adults across Different Frailty Levels”, 43rd Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Canada-Vancouver, September 2016. |
[C44] S. Parvaneh, B. Najafi, N. Toosizadeh, I.B. Riaz, and J. Mohler, “Is There Any Association between Ventricular Ectopy and Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults?”, 43rd Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Canada-Vancouver, September 2016. |
[C43]S. Rezaei, S. Moharreri, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, and S. Parvaneh, “Evaluating Valence Level of Pictures Stimuli in Heart Rate Variability Response”, 42nd Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, France-Nice, September 2015. |
[C42]S. Parvaneh, N. Toosizadeh, and S. Moharreri, “Impact of Mental Stress on Heart Rate Asymmetry”, 42nd Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, France-Nice, September 2015. |
[C41] A. Nooriyan, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, and S. Parvaneh, "Wavelet Based Method for Localization Of Myocardial Infarction Using Vector Electrocardiogram", 41st Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, USA-Cambridge, September 2014. |
[C40] S. Moharreri, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, and S. Parvaneh, "Study of Induced Emotion by Color Stimuli: Power Spectrum Analysis of Heart Rate Variability", 41st Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, USA-Cambridge, September 2014. |
[C39] S. Moharreri, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, and S. Parvaneh, "Extended Parabolic Phase Space Mapping (EPPSM): The Novel Quadratic Function for Representation of Heart Rate Variability Signal", 41st Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, USA-Cambridge, September 2014. |
[C38] S. Parvaneh, S. Bhatnagar, R. Poston, and B. Najafi, "Using Cadaver Simulation to Improve Communication and Economy of Movement as Evidence of Progress with the Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) Learning CurveTrans-catheterUsing Cadaver Simulation to Improve Communication and Economy of Movement as Evidence of Progress with the Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) Learning Curve", 2014 Summer Simulation Multi-Conference (SummerSim'14), USA-Monterey, July 2014. |
[C37]S. Moharreri, N. Dabanloo, G. Attarodi, S. Parvaneh, and A.M. Nasrabadi, "Extended Triangle Phase Space Mapping: Novel Method for Representation of Heart Rate Variability Signals", 39th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Poland-Krakow, September 2012. |
[C36]M. Rivandi and S. Parvaneh, "Application of Ultraviolet Sensor for Assessing Performance of Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems in Healthcare Centers", Proceeding of 15th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering, Iran-Kashan, August 2012 (in Persian). |
[C35] A.A. Dehshali and S. Parvaneh, "Design and Development of a Sensor for Measurement of Body Bending Angle", Proceeding of 15th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering 2012, Iran-Kashan, August 2012 (in Persian). |
[C34] M. Hoomanfar, I.M. Rezazadeh, and S. Parvaneh, "Evaluating the Usability and Performance of Somatosensory Feedback in Virtual Keyboard", Proceeding of Fifth eHealth and Medical ICT Applications, Iran-Tabriz, May 2012 (in Persian). |
[C33] N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, G.H. Attarodi, S. Moharreri, S. Parvaneh, and A.M. Nasrabadi, "Emotion Recognition based on Utilizing Occurrence Sequence of Heart Rate's Phase Space Points", Proceedings of the IASTED International, Biomedical Engineering-BioMed2012, Austria-Innsbruck, February 2012. |
[C32] S. Moharreri, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, S. Parvaneh, A.M. Nasrabadi, and G.H. Attarodi, "Personality Psychology Using Heart Responses to Color Stimulus", 38th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, China-Hangzhou, September 2011. |
[C31] S. Moharreri, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, S. Parvaneh, and A.M. Nasrabadi, "The Relation between Colors, Emotions and Heart using Triangle Phase Space Mapping (TPSM)", 38th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, China-Hangzhou, September 2011. |
[C30] S. Moharerri, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, A.M. Nasrabadi, and S. Parvaneh, "How to Interpret Psychology from Heart Rate Variability?", Proceeding of the first Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME2011), UAE-Sharjah, February 2011. |
[C29] S. Taheri, H. Rahbari, and S. Parvaneh, "Morphological Modeling of Asymmetrical Segments of ECG using the Gaussian Combination Model", Proceeding of 4th eHealth and Medical ICT applications, Iran-Mashhad, February 2011 (in Persian). |
[C28] S. Yahyazadeh, S.M.P. Firoozabadi, M. Haghjoo and S. Parvaneh. "Effect of ECG Recording Duration on Atrial Fibrillation Termination Prediction". Proceeding of 4th eHealth and Medical ICT applications, Iran-Mashhad, February 2011 (in Persian). |
[C27] H. Rahbari and S. Parvaneh, "ECG Filtering Based on Gaussian Combination Model", Proceeding of 4th eHealth and Medical ICT applications, Iran-Mashhad, February 2011 (in Persian). |
[C26] M.H. Behfar, H. Aslian, and S. Parvaneh, "Design and Implementation of Electrical Posture Trainer: an Intelligent Orthosis", First Iranian Rehabilitation Engineering Conference, Iran-Qazvin, December 2010 (in Persian). |
[C25] S. Moharreri, S. Parvaneh, N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, and A.M. Nasrabadi, "Utilizing Occurrence Sequence of Heart Rate’s Phase Space Points in order to Discriminate Heart Arrhythmia", 17th Iranian Conference of Biomedical Engineering (ICBME2010), Iran-Isfahan, November 2010. |
[C24] S. Yahyazadeh, S.M.P. Firoozabadi, M. Haghjoo, and S. Parvaneh, "Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship between Chaotic Features of Surface ECG and an Intracardiac Electrogram", 37th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Northern Ireland-Belfast, September 2010. |
[C23] N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, S. Moharreri, S. Parvaneh, and A. Nasrabadi, "Application of Novel Mapping for Heart Rate Phase Space and Its Role in Cardiac Arrhythmia Diagnosis", 37th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Northern Ireland-Belfast, September 2010. |
[C22] N. Jafarnia Dabanloo, S. Parvaneh, and A. Nasrabadi, "New Representation of Heart Rate and Evaluation of Extracted Geometric Features", 37th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Northern Ireland-Belfast, September 2010. |
[C21] P. Babaghorbani and S. Parvaneh, A. Ghasemi, K. Manshaee, "Sonography Images for Breast Cancer Texture Classification in Diagnosis of Malignant or Benign Tumors", 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE 2010), China-Chengdu, June 2010. |
[C20] S. Parvaneh and F. Fallah, "Fuzzy-Decision Tree Technique for Automatic Assignment of Patient to Right Hospital Ward", Proceeding of third eHealth and Medical ICT applications, Iran-Tehran, November 2009 (in Persian). |
[C19] E. Atlasi Roshani and S. Parvaneh, "Recognition of Disabled Person Needs using Laser Tracking", Proceeding of 12th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering 2009, Iran-Tabriz, August 2009 (in Persian). |
[C18] S. Moharreri and S. Parvaneh, "Drug Management: How to Provide Drug on Assigned Time?", 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE 2009), China-Beijing, June 2009. |
[C17] E. Yargholy and S. Parvaneh, "Novel Cardiac Risk Factor Stratification Using Neuro-fuzzy Tool", International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation (CIMCA08), Austria-Vienna, December 2008. |
[C16] S. Moharerri and S. Parvaneh, "Using Radio Frequency Communication to Provide Drug to Patients Without the Need for the Presence of the Nurse", Proceeding of 2nd eHealth and Medical ICT applications, Iran-Tehran, November 2008 (in Persian). |
[C15] E. Yargholy and S. Parvaneh, "Evaluation of Risk Factors Selection in Cardiac Risk Stratification", 35th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, Italy-Bologna, September 2008. |
[C14] D. Baran Nejad and S. Parvaneh, "Design, Analysis and Implementation of Cardiac Electrical Activity Simulator Circuit Using Electronic Oscillator that Model Cardiac Cell", Proceeding of 11th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering 2008, Iran-Zanjan, September 2008 (in Persian). |
[C13] H. Sanyi and S. Parvaneh, "Toolbox Design for Quantitative Evaluation of Image Segmentation Results in Matlab Environment", Proceeding of 11th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering 2008, Iran-Zanjan, September 2008 (in Persian). |
[C12] S. Parvaneh and M. Pashna, "Electrocardiogram Synthesis Using Gaussian Combination Model (GCM)", 34th Annual Conference of Computing in Cardiology, IEEE Computer Society Press, USA-Durham, October 2007. |
[C11] S. Moharerri and S. Parvaneh, "Remote Drug Delivery System for Patients using Phone Line", Proceeding of 10th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007, Iran-Isfahan, September 2007 (in Persian). |
[C10] T. Pishbin and S. Parvaneh, "Fuzzy Inference for Cardiac Risk Factor Assessment using Information Reported through a Phone Line", Proceeding of 10th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007, Iran-Isfahan, September 2007 (in Persian). |
[C9] S. Yahyazadeh and S. Parvaneh, "Design and Implementation of ECG Monitoring Board with USB Interface with Computer", Proceeding of 10th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007, Iran-Isfahan, September 2007 (in Persian). |
[C8] S. Parvaneh, E. Fatemizadeh, and H. Behnam, "Optimizing Entropy-based Thresholding Speed Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)", 4th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing 2007 (MVIP'07), Iran-Mashhad, February 2007 (in Persian). |
[C7] S. Parvaneh, E. Fatemizadeh, and H. Behnam, "MS Lesion Detection Using Hybrid Method", Third Cairo International Biomedical Engineering Conference 2006 (CIBEC'06), Egypt-Cairo, December 2006. |
[C6] P. Jafari, M.H. Moradi, and S. Parvaneh, "Eye Tracking Using A Novel Approach", World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006, Seoul-Korea, August 2006. |
[C5] S. Parvaneh, E. Fatemizadeh, and H. Behnam, "MS Lesion Detection Using a Novel Approach Combined with Entropy-Based Thresholding", 14th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Iran-Tehran, 2006 (in Persian). |
[C4] P. Jafari, M. Vafadoost, S. Parvaneh, and Emad Fatemizadeh, "An Algorithm for Eye Tracking". 12th Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Iran-Tabriz, 2005 (in Persian). |
[C3] I. Ghodrati, A. Gharaviry, and S. Parvaneh, "2D Electrical Model of Cochlea", Proceeding of 7th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering, Iran-Tehran, 2004 (in Persian). |
[C2] S. Parvaneh and I.M. Rezazadeh, "Designing External Programmer for Adaptive Pacemakers", Proceeding of Third Medical Engineering Conference, Iran-Tehran, 2003 (in Persian). |
[C1] I.M. Rezazadeh and S. Parvaneh, "An Introduction to Adaptive Pacemakers", Proceeding of Second Medical Engineering Conference, Iran-Tehran, 2002 (in Persian). |